Yes, I work at AutoZone. No, it sucks.

That’s so she can call 911 faster after she burns your ass

Just to be clear, this history was NINE years ago.

Neutral: “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”

I find a good way to find out is to play Forza. I start lapping and I keep drinking and I notice I start to drive like hell and lap times tumble. Then I know what slow reactions look like at 110.

On tonight’s program: a lawyer sits in a chair, a man yells about a wall, and we have to find a new test track

Ultimately my goal in life is to buy a used 12C, since they’re relatively less expensive it seems like the obvious choice for an exceptionally engineered machine.

Spark Plugs: Nissan VG33ER

Without a doubt, that car is beautiful and functional. It’s a rare occurrence for a designer to create a car so loved by enthusiasts.

Excellent point, if we were to talk about a super car in the sense of mid-engine I think the new 570 series from Mclaren is worthy. The cost versus value is pretty good in my opinion.

That starts to get into hypercar territory, at least with the new stuff. Christian himself calls his works Hypercars now, as if it is too vulgar to call it a super car. Excellent cars though and the original CCX and Zonda definitely belong on the list. I just feel as if after the hybrid era they are hypercars now.

I think overdriving the car on public roads and hitting a tree killed Paul Walker. Don’t knock their outstanding engineering in creating a car that was a racer at heart.

In all seriousness I would say the Nissan GT-R, the R35. I know a lot of YouTube “stars” like it and it’s plastered all over the internet with bad reviews and launch control videos. But that’s kind of the cool part: it brought the supercart to the masses. While it’s still high in price it is insane value when it



Everybody cool down, no need to get overworked up about this

Well at least it looks pretty...

This is going to get the comment section shut down

You mean to tell me a white guy with cornrows made bad choices?

My grandma put diesel into a rental table once, turned it into a suburban a few hours later.