Yes, I work at AutoZone. No, it sucks.

“I know you sent me a list but this S500 was 70% off original MSRP!”

Do you hate reliability? Do you hate emissions regulations? Thought you couldn’t have both? Well then check this out!

It’s good to see the boutique British sports car industry is back to the good ole days

Or Argentina

Jesus Christ these next 8 years are gonna be rough...

Coming this Summer, Mark Wahlberg is... SEAL TEAM SIX

Much like Sylvester McMonkey McBean, I give you a star

Great, now I’m gonna be customizing my Volvo at work. Not that it matters, it’s single digits outside. No one is gonna wrench in that.

Sorry wrong thread

Slammed, lowered, hella flush

My girlfriend’s dad drives a Ram and wears a Yankee hat. He terrifies the shit out of me.

“Everybody’s kid is a good kid and smart and does well in school.”

The video would be much better if it was accompanied by “Yakety Sax”

I thought the gif was broken

It is impossible to make you guys happy. Is the mileage high? Yes. But functioning four wheel drive and being as clean as it appears on the outside is an excellent trait. I don’t like it, I don’t want it, but this is a Nice Price

He is the most Jalop

That’s how us fans get souvenirs though!

Probably one of those microbrewery types trying to make his own Goldschlager

One of those shots/renders looks like Watkins Glen, I can’t wait for the 6 Hour race again.

As someone who is a part time manager at Autozone I can vouch for the helpfulness of this program in a non endorsing way.