This is what happens when you try to domesticate the Duke Boys, make them drive Kia SUVs, and move them to the city.
This is what happens when you try to domesticate the Duke Boys, make them drive Kia SUVs, and move them to the city.
Pin it, to win it
Finally a writer on this website added a gif where it doesn’t cut off right before whatever happens... Please can this happen more often
One might even say his omission was appalling.
I guess I’ll just have to be dumb. And I’ll still be dumb when Ferrari comes out with an even better car called the “Ferrari La Ferrari-er”.
Let’s send the last week of 2017 off in style. Clean, slightly-rounded early 1990s style.
Had a NX2000 for a year. It’s a fun car.
As a former broadcast professional, those wheels make me think of reels of tape.
Fiat Is Alright Too
I see Toretto and team are still at it...
Got to fucking love how quick you are to label the man a scumbag. Is there any actual evidence against him, or is it just accusations. See in order to convict someone, you need this crucial little thing called evidence. The man lost a job on a show on which he was a main character , and his termination is based on…
You are right, in that if we lived in a world where Twitter went out of business it would mean that most of the people in that world didn’t give a shit about Twitter and that’s a world I want to live in.
I don’t mind ads in order to get something for free. It’s only when I pay and still get ads and have to pay more to get rid of them *cough*Hulu*cough* that I have a problem with it. That and ads on websites that push the content around or autoplay sound.
Check the BMW stand
We shall see. The only major hurdle to overcome in the creation of such list is my overwhelming sense of laziness.
Just gotta get through this, Melania, she thinks as she walks through the whispering wood. Just gotta get through this.
There’s a Rick and Morty joke in here somewhere.
TBF, it’s hard to maintain a solid marriage with someone named Beth1027.
I’m glad someone got that double meaning.
Kuroi Jukai would be Black Sea of Trees, or Black Forest. But Kuroi means black, so you can’t just leave it off.