


Hi, Skay. Could you please check why I’m in the grey? I wouldn’t really like to delete this site too... and I’ve been good since longtime!


Please, could you check why I’m in the grey? It shouldn’t be and I didn’t do anything nasty.

That was awful. Sincerely, I hope it’s not a glimpse of your new policy.

After a long, stressing day of work with little or no satisfaction, a double JD on the rocks is a God’s blessing... Amen to that sister, and get me another!

I don’t agree, for the most obvious reasons.

Ah. Ah. Ah.

You have eys like assholes! Ugh! That was in 2013, and sure it was lotta fun!

Once upon a time, I was on the highway and I reached a a Highway Police roadblock: from three lanes to two, than to one. We were slowly merging and I let the car in front of me enter the one-car queue, imagining that the one behind it would let me pass in my turn, but no! It was a brand new black Mercedes, with a

Is not that now Maté is not much willing to send you anything, so to say?

Ford is supposing that their customers never got a

And whoever says the contrary is a moron. Am not. Are too! Am not. Are too!

BREAKING NEWS: We succeeded in getting a picture of the new Maybach prototype:

Seems legit!

Who slept in the queen size bed?

That’s how Recep Tayyip Erdoğan makes disappear the cars of his enemies... never to be seen again, because they’ll be given away in exchange for some Iraqi oil...