White men started to worry that someone was going to take away their piece of the pie. Apparently all you need to do to motivate that population is to start giving equal rights to others.
White men started to worry that someone was going to take away their piece of the pie. Apparently all you need to do to motivate that population is to start giving equal rights to others.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has opened a general inquiry into the Trump Foundation to address…
In early 2014, the company Playdek crowdfunded over $660,000 to make a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy Tactics a…
You’re going to have to wait a little bit to play Metal Gear Online. Konami just announced that the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be coming out at the same time as the console versions. But Metal Gear Online apparently needs more time, and will come to consoles and PC in October and January…