
To you murders I hate you so much and wish your parents would have chose to kill you.

lol nice try no one said it was the phones fault you complete moron. I said since I don't switch my keyboard to add an apostrophe if I miss an e it corrects to your. Ah the tired old let it go response I can play that game too I bet you can't let it go and not reply to this. Please prove me wrong guy.

autocorrect not autosuggestion guy! Lol learn the difference guy. All it takes is me missing the e and it does not change your to you’re since I don't switch the keyboard and put in an apostrophe. Try to actually understand what we’re talking about but I’m glad you took all that time to create that image for the

In the world of smart phones I do not switch keyboards if autocorrect does not choose the right your or their. Sorry but I just don’t correct my gramma on the inrernet if autocorrect does not do it for me.

Sorry I’m not going to take the time to switch the keyboard to get the apostrophe just to appease you, guy. If you go on the internet expecting perfect gramma you need a different life. Get out and enjoy yourself a little. Combing the comments for gramma corrections is just sad, chief guy.

This is a shitty blog, no harm done.

I’m not a fucking editor, I’m a commenter typing on his phone.....if you can’t understand the difference I can’t help you, guy.

Not really, the author is a self entitled squid who hates cagers so him picking a name that signifies douches speeding through traffic is quite fitting. Also, he really likes to make excuses like “bikers can determine what is safe and don’t have to follow laws” overall a real squid.

Can you go fuck yourself, thanks.

I am to people who deserve it.

They look great on the road. Among the sea of beige that Toyota really stands out.

Why didn’t you? Your a biased shitty writer so who cares.

Oh god here comes all the entitled whining that complains about a small vocal minority. Seriously like everyone reading this knows all this already. Why would you post an article like this on a video game website? It completely misses the actual audience for this and panders to us like we are some kind of idiots.

They are both blue.....

I can't give you enough stars. He says the driver is not justified in his actions but then says the biker is. He completely made his article garbage at that point and lost all credibility.

Fuck this garbage I was with you until you started making up bullshit. Go fuck yourself I hope someone hits your squid ass.

Yes we all know people in position of power never abuse that right.

A. That is not manipulating.

Profanity has nothing to do with maturity. Not that I would expect you to know that. I like how since it's only a misdemeanor it's cool to risk girls lives in your opinion.

A. Pretty sure vulgarities are in a third graders vocabulary.