Awwww poor baby cannot handle profane language.
Awwww poor baby cannot handle profane language.
Oh so when someone drives like a fucking asshat with your child in the back of a bike it don’t matter because it’s only a misdemeanor, go fuck yourself! I never said they equated you illerate piece of shit.
Yeah and the squid driving recklessly with someone’s daughter in the back of his motorcycle isa fucking piece of shit. He did not even check on her in the video.
And the guy driving recklessly with his gf on the back is not a psychopath?
Yeah because driving recklessly with your gf on the back of your bike is no big deal. Every time he recklessly passed on a double yellow he should be charged with attempted murder of his gf.
I'm glad you were there and knew how he had been riding.
No that's not what he is saying you fucking drama queen. If you actually think what he said equates to your interpretation you are fucking stupid.
Are you on your period? drama queen.
Surprise surprise the squid should not have even been riding in the first place. Glad to see some karma in action. I love it when people who break the law get taught a lesson. Could he have been taught a lesson in a less dangerous way? Sure. But sometimes you have to learn the hard way. Now go take some proper bike…
This is probably a smart move by Konami. I know fans wont like to hear it but this is probably best for both Kojima and Konami.
Wow, love the server who does not know there are varying levels of being allergic.....I guess that is why she is a server.
Cool text me tomorrow and let me know what rules you deemed safe or not.
wow yes another great intelligent reply.
Because you don’t state opinion you are stating “facts”. Can I call you tomorrow so you can tell me what is safe and what isn't on my daily commute? I'll send you a video and you can tell me everything that is safe and what laws I can pick and choose to follow. I mean your 10 years of riding surely makes you a YouTube…
lane splitting is legal moron. Who are you to say when it is safe or not to pass? Fucking squid watching a YouTube video does not mean you can dictate what is safe and what isn't. So can we all just pick what laws we want to follow based on your expert opinion? Are you the ruler of what is safe and what isn't? Bottom…
Ah yes the squid who thinks the rules don’t apply to him and his excuse is “it’s common practice to break the law”. Fucking stupid squids.
So everyone acts like you....... You are so intelligent.
Ah yes the old “laws don’t apply to me” defense.
That's better than those squids causing an innocent person to crash. If they are going to drive like a jackass don't be surprised if someone is going to be a jackass back. Simple Darwinism at work here.
Looks like Darwinism to me. Passing two cars with a double yellow with your gf on the back and no gear.... Fucking squids.