
Oh that’s good, I had only heard about the TTV6 and N/A V6.

He has said some very ignorant things, but this is one idea I am very much for. Culture does not change over night and the time it is going to take for the "do what you like" movement to take hold and for those kids to grow up is going to be a decades. Why not have a women series until culture goals catch up with

This kid is probably going to be popular at school for the next few weeks.

I’ll never understand why people don’t keep receipts for their car maintenance, its pretty easy just toss the receipts in a folder. On regular cars I can kind of understand as your Toyota Camry is not going to go up in resale value if you have receipts for oil changes but on stuff like an S4 that has super expensive

Don’t really care for the headlights, at all, but the rest seems ok if not a little too much like the CTS. Where does this car compete? With “only” a 400hp ttv6 as the largest engine and a n/a v6 under it, I am having a hard time knowing where this competes.

Anyone thinking some hybrid technology might make its way to the GT2? I know Porsche has said that they have been a little slow on the GT2 because they didn't know if they could top the Turbo S. Might it see some hybrid integration to help propel it above the Turbo S?

Not the greatest but gave it a shot.

Remember you are comparing a concept to a production car. Anyone can make a concept look good, I will reserve my judgement until we see a production version.

I may have accidentally played this during lecture and my volume was on lol.

I don't like how it does not have a rear spoiler, or is it a retractable one? If I had the cash I could see how this would be a nice option against the 911 Turbo S but I still think at the price point I would get the 911 GT3 RS.

Other than the P1 I am really not liking McLaren's design language.

That's awesome!

This is a great package, though in this class I still like i'm leaning towards the M3 but this is a close second. The only thing I don't really care for is the front bumper.

Its nice to see these cars racing!

Yeah, like I said this is fine for die hard Miata fans but the Fiat/Alfa turbo version is going to be much more suited for what I like to do. If there is going to be a turbo motor in this same chassis with Italian styling that is the one for me.

Neutral: Out of Cadillac, Volvo, or Lincoln I would buy a Volvo Concept Coupe if they ever build it.

This car is not for me, i'll wait for the fiat/alfa version hopefully with a turbo under the hood.

Don't care. The less people on the internet the better. People all over the internet are shitty and a high profile person will never get away from them, hell normal people have a hard enough time getting away from them. Just look at all the stupid arguments that happen on this site all the time.

That is a bit irrational. There are people who have killed, raped, and done much worse....who do not serve life in prison. Maybe you are just trying to be extreme because this is the internet but if you sit down and actually think about it you would realize that is a over-the-top punishment.