King Dick, Clear Hooters do the Brit’s just light up a doob before naming companies?
King Dick, Clear Hooters do the Brit’s just light up a doob before naming companies?
None? Considering how many BLs were convertibles... I find that statement very hard to believe.
Ordered one in Sept. Dealer said the earliest was Q2 2022, I’m expecting Aug 2022 or later as a more realistic estimate.
I know youre correct regarding the avg price and all that. But still, im sorry, personally this car isnt anywhere near a 60k in my opinion.
Sir, you are clearly still imposter Torch, as the real person has children of appropriate age and would know that Chuck E. Cheese makes frequent appearances in the restaurant.
The once-mighty PRR was looking pretty shabby in 1963 as passengers and commerce moving to roads and the sky at a rapid clip. The railroad’s disastrous merger with the NY Central was 5 years way.
White, male, rich, Princeton... yeah, that checks out...
Yet amazingly, they got away with it without discipline or charges filed against them.
I’m so stealing that line.
Reminds me about the questioning for jury duty when I was part of the selected pool. Lawyer asked me if I could render a guilty verdict. Me: “Well there’s the law and then there’s justice. I would do what’s right.”
If they are in your wilderness areas can they still be considered fake?
This is cool, and the only way I’d ever get into an RV/camper/overlander. The vast majority of this stuff currently in production has the structural integrity of a limp fish and the build quality of a 1980s Hyundai, all while costing about 4x what it’s worth. It’s atrocious. I’d rather build my own.
I love builds like this! I was a huge fan of expo portal back in the late aughts before everyone jumped on the band wagon. There used to be some really amazing builds! The great white buffalo awd Chevy express was one. Lots of awd astros too. At one point there was a first gen 4 runner with a utility top replacing the…
What do you do with a drunken pilot?
After a lifetime of going to car shows and drooling over every nice C2 I saw, I never once had an owner brag about their Vette having the big tank option. This disappoints me.
I love option pricing on old cars that appears batshit to modern eyes. A big block engine only cost $292, but a radio was $203 and a big gas tank was $202. The price of A/C is covered up but was probably $500 or more.
*Morgan strikes “Toobs-n-stuff” off its customer list.*
I don’t know whether it screams Batman or Dick Tracy to me more.
That is beautiful.