@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus What's a "Voyager"?
@TheTuckPendletonMachine:disqus What's a "Voyager"?
I have never been more attracted to a Vorta.
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Really? I've never gotten the impression that Sisko harbors any sexism at all.
So, A train, 8:45AM?
That seems likely—I seem to recall something, vaguely, about a makeup allergy being the reason for the change in the Trill appearance from TNG to DS9.
Which makes this line in the first episode of DS9 really weird, in retrospect: "Isn't it cool that we're on a space station? Like, a building, but it's in space? As in, not on Earth? And the space station has gravity and light and heat and air? Because it's the future?"
As conference rooms go, the Ent-D one is clearly the place you'd want to be for an all-day meeting. The DS9 conference room is the one you'd want to have a working lunch in. The TOS Enterprise one is the one you go to because you want to watch a three-screened TV.
DS9 doesn't use its conference room because Sisko doesn't care what you think.
Stop making my jokes
He can't get his raps out because Weyoun isn't sending them :(
What happened what did I miss oh god tell me please
Well, DS9 is a better show *runs out of room, doesn't look back to see how many B5 fans are following*
@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus Oh come on, like there are other countries besides America! How funny you are!
Oh god why does the internet have so many libertarians on it
@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus Oh yeah! I read all the "canon" B5 novels about 10 years ago but I honestly don't remember them very well.
I'd love to know how TPTB decide which show coverage continues and which doesn't.
@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Interesting. Okay I will keep it going then.
All the B5 DVDs were released after 9/11. @avclub-774c4a3e756c4d8f28b15a27ed4408c7:disqus is obviously a time traveler.