
Hey, everypeoples! You already saw the hubs wax poetic, so I was won't do all that jazz, it's not my style. Excessive commas and poor poor typing skill are way more my speed.

The wife feels fine with it, even though she's doesn't join along.

I hate cheetos, cheez-it/cheese nips, doritos, pringles, those peanut butter cheese crackers, popcorn, chips ahoy cookies, and any snack with dill.

I liked it a bunch. Joce was cute, Bianca was brash, Gia was Gia.

The Drag Race review needs to come up because I need to blow of some Laganga Estranga hate. Girl, you can't be a drama leech every episode, you aren't good at it.

I fixed the links.

She is a German Shepard Dog/Welsh Corgi mix. If she wasn't so stinky I probably would of licked her.

She is a German Shepard Dog/Welsh Corgi mix. If she wasn't so stinky I probably would of licked her.

She is a German Shepard Dog/Welsh Corgi mix.

Hey, Spongy wants one, too!!!

They are probably part-time staff.

I totally forgot what it was until I looked it up and found it was one of my top three of season four.

Awe, well nuts! If only he was!

How about some Soup?

It sucks because I am totally in love with this doggy now.

Happy Spazzie day!

I am married, as well. Wanna sing about it?