
He does have a point. I mean meat is by definition decaying dead flesh. It is kinda gross if you think about it. Gross yet delicious. 

Dude, I didn’t even know there are Slurs against Filipinos

But you guys he’s a faux Buddhist so he’s spiritual so it’s ok.

“Bitches tryin to get mah money” is always their defense.

He is delayed adolescence incarnate. 

basically the premise is to intentionally disfigure and then mock another person.

Meh. Too squishy and too British. 

No one over the age of 6 should ever wear that or anything like that.

Lacking in brass / gold. 

Tower records!!!! Lol

You might want to check with your doctor first but Chinese medicine has a cream that works better than most other things

Rainn sucks. They discouraged me from filing a police report. Fk them 

But my zine was so good. 

This does not work. I have tried. So what is my recourse?

I love Illeana Douglas.

Its generally only done if you’re drinking at a bar over the course of several rounds of drinks or lots of people. Drunk people wander off and all that so at least you can charge them.

Sorry you are having such a hard time. You’re not alone. I struggle with PTSD and find it difficult to leave the house quite often. I have managed to work in one of two scenarios: working from home or I would literally get a job and move to an apartment like across the street from work. It might sound odd but it helps

I PTSD pretty bad and am thinking of trying this emdr. 

It has to be better than New York. 

I like leroche-posay products. They sell them on amazon. They are like $20-$30. My dermatologist recommends them and they work pretty good. Maybe not the best I ever tried but more the best overall deal I think