
Hey, I’ve seen this movie!

Sounds like a Care Bear.

Oh that sucks ...

Notice how we get a movie about humans dying to get the first Death Star plans, not about all the Bothans who died getting the second Death Star plans. That’s Hollywood specieisism for you.

I smell raptor envy

Waiting for my copy of Gene Wolfe's The Knight to arrive in the mail. Yes, the mail.

I'm about to start The Fall of Hyperion. I'm not too sure if I'll continue the rest of the series after that, I've been hearing mixed things about the Endymion books.

Yeah, I was hopping for something with more of a First Class feel to it.

This trailer really ruined it for me. Before I thought it would be something kinda new and different, now it just looks like Kick-Ass.

I just love listening to this trailer! I definitely get the feeling of a movie where everybody is racing towards something or someone.

The more I watch it the more I like it!

At last someone willing to point out the universe sized white elephant in the room. It just doesn't make sense that we haven't heard anything from all the neighbors we should have out there. I have never bought into the idea that some kind of galaxy ranging governing body could enforce a ban on interfering with earth.

I guess it makes sense that some Jedi escaped the purge, but it doesn't do any favors for Luke or Darth.

I'm finishing the second half of The Book of The New Sun. This is the first series of books were I am purposefully reading really slow. Part of me doesn't want to get to the end, it's that good.

A Catchy Shanty!

A soccer ball in the face every once in awhile.

I didn't want to use the G word, but just not as bright as the first movie.

Sweet! I hope the camera work in the film reflects these poster's more muted style.