
This is your second comment ever. After your years of reading Deadspin and articles that actually have little to do with sports, you choose an article that is specifically about the most popular sport in this country to tell Deadspin to “Stick to Sports”?

He’s an offensive lineman. They’re cerebral.

Mike Trout is so good that players are scared to pitch to him, therefore Mike Trout is not as good as this guy who gets pitched to and has worse numbers on a per at-bat basis.

An argument can be made for any era not being “clean” depending on how you want to define “clean”.

Fair point. Before 1962, sports, especially professional sports, were pure as the driven snow. Alas, now we’re in an era where players want to get paid and teams cheat .. CHEAT .. to win games. I miss the halcyon days. Let’s Make Sports Great Again.

They’re marching right along to multiple parades, aren’t they?

He sounds “butt-hurt”

So the worst word you can say is only the second worst swear word you have?

Didn’t see that you had the same thought as I did.

I can’t imagine why Pats’ fans get such a bad rap. Keep fighting the good fight.

Any other unresolved personal issues that you want to vent?

I agree. This isn’t one of the greatest literary works of the century, but it’s not supposed to be. It’s a fun read. It’s a fast read. It’s a summer blockbuster movie. Enjoy the ride.

People still go to Gamestop?

It’s not like the Martells have a history of over-estimating their ability in a fight.


Who thinks you sound awful, stilted and fake? You or your husband? Because, most likely, it’s just you who sees it this way.

Thank you for that clip. KITH are the fucking best.

I think they’re both shitty. I’m not rooting for either and I’m not going to watch this farce. Both violence against women and racism are institutionalized problems in society. Celebrities are given a pass for both. I’m not going to argue why one should get more of a pass than another. You are. That’s fine. The

This entire article is about how both are shitty and CBS is shitty for promoting shitty people. You went down the path to say that one person’s shittiness is just showmanship so it’s not that shitty.