
I’m working through the History of Rome podcast right now. I’ll be listening to this one as soon as I finish.

Thanks for your complaint. I came here for comments, not crybabies.

You had to read a headline? My god. You poor thing. And it therfore forced you to write multiple comments after scrolling down the entire post?

I clicked on the Microsoft Edge ad and it froze Chrome. Coincidence?

First they want to do away with the electoral college. Now this.

Using the actual term as a pun. nice.

Did you work hard not to be born into what is now considered second class status?

This would be amusing if the steaks weren’t so important.

Hey, I supported the Crimson King long before his minion was elected President.

Just to confirm:

How many people in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin thought that same thing because the polls said Clinton was going to win?

The hope for herd immunity failed the conscience voters.

The polls said Clinton was going to win this thing. Trust the polls!

I’m glad you’re amused at your reliance on others.

Anti-vaxxers rely on the herd immunity to protect them and their children from being infected with disease.

That’s because millions of other Californians are doing what you’re too selfish to do. You must be proud to live in a state where the majority of people aren’t as selfish as you are. You’d think you’d want to participate.

So you’re just like Pareene and the anti-vaxxers that rely on everyone else to do the heavy lifting so that they can opt out and feel better about their selfish choice.

This is America. Sentences can run on a long as they like as long as they don’t touch your nose.


Perhaps he’ll opt out of vaccinating his children as well knowing that the rest of society will continue to maintain the herd immunity for him and allowing him to avoid making a decision for society as a whole.