
You have no idea what’s going on in their marriage. You have no idea if he’s abusive and controlling to her and her son behind closed doors. I’m not saying she isn’t complicit but I do not feel comfortable judging why a woman does or does not leave what looks like an unhealthy relationship. I wish her courage to live

Sorry to clarify I think she predicted that we would have an African American leader in 2008 and he would be our last. I have to find the exact wording but I think it basically meant that obama was the last unified American leader. Which I think is playing out. I really don’t see our political system ever going back

I don’t disagree with you. He was definitely an idealist and probably not as experienced as a candidate should have been. I could counter that I trusted him more than HRC when it came to doing what is “right.” I’m telling you, it’s all in HRC’s astrology chart! Scorpio all around.

I will preface by saying I am as anti trump administration as any of us and think every single person in the WH is corrupt. That being said, so far Melania has not done any of what HRC did to any of the women accusing Trump of inappropriate behavior. She has never defended him publicsly or shamed the women. (Please

Same. I voted HRC but didn’t feel or quite understand the insane love fest all my friends seemed to be having over her. I was originally a Bernie supporter because he seemed more honest and transparent (of course still human and had his errors...I think ANYONE who wants to be president has some unchecked ego issues)

She’s a Scorpio.

Wow. This is great. They’ll probably have 4 total entries. I am so sick of reading and watching stories that involve torturing women by men. The latest one was the movie Phantom Thread which was basically an abusive relationship (man abuses woman) wrapped in a fashion fairy tale. I thought it was basic as could be and

Ah yes. I understand. Lesser of two evils. I don’t have an answer. Most people would go with their party. This is why I’m not a fan of having one person as figurehead of the parties. We should be voting on the issues. This popularity contest is useless and a distraction.

Both of their performances would be difficult to sit through

MONEY. Most injustices come down to money. And selfishness surrounding money. Money is the devil. When we start putting humans, earth, animals before monitory pleasures, we will have taken a step in the right direction.

Well it good that you aren’t part of their relationship! There are so many terrible and harmful and gross things happening. Do you really have the energy to judge two strangers you don’t know who haven’t given you any reason to think they’re anything but happy? I don’t get it.

Idk about Celine and her husband. They may have had an odd beginning but they seemed to be madly in love for the decades they were married. It’s not like they started sleeping together when she was a child. One of my neighbors growing up is married to the man who lived next to is growing up. He was a good 15 years

Eh idk. As a HUMAN, standing beside your moral positions isn’t all that hard. To may not become president or make $3mil a year but you’ll be good with yourself.

Change it to “a MAN of any background getting handsy?”

Ha I love it. Thanks. I’ve actually used those plastic tin looking tiles to cover my ugly backsplash. It looks fantastic.

Ha thanks. I’m not a churchgoer either but I actually love our Sunday morning church routine. It’s honestly less about “church” and more about a diverse welcoming community. We focus on volunteer work and celebrate some holidays. It’s all good.

Ugh I hate that I love that wall and want it in my apartment. Not every wall but maybe an accent wall.

Omg. Yes of course. Hillsong church sounds like a nightmare. It’s like a rich joel osteen.

But how gorgeous is that dress thing? I am obsessed.

Not true! I take my family to a lovely baptist church and you can wear whatever the hell you want. Some of the ladies wear fancy colorful church hats and some wear jeans and t shirts. It’s super casual and very warm. We aren’t even baptist and are welcomed every week. I really like it. We sing this little light of