
I find the B-1B to be very attractive, but I will never understand the planekakke subculture.

Advanced helicopter technology is all fun and games until a rogue general and a hypersexual terrorist hijack one in order to steal a space-based weapon of mass destruction before absconding to Cuba where Sean Bean is crushed to death by a giant antenna.

Bill has been taking publically about it for year. Please, PLEASE read the post before commenting.

And nary a Wilhelm Scream to be found. They really missed that opportunity there.

This is why I love this site, video grainy as fuck? No matter, the Jalops will figure it out.

My God...this Kinja.....

The Patriots were just making sure they got the ball at the start of double overtime.

“They want the ball and they’re gonna score!”

-said the only woman on jalopnik

is this real i honestly can’t tell

Loved the piece, and then I got to that picture. Fantastic.

Just and Awesome Photograph that really summed it all up.

First generation Viper. It would be interesting to hear about something that could kill you and it would give you enough room to find a second car. Like the Hummer/GT-R.

How about something ridiculously classic like a Model T or something? Would that be too expensive? It surely wouldn’t depreciate.

I think the argument about who is the best player of all time or trying to list players out 1-10 is pretty stupid, essentially because, if you took what is generally thought of as the top 16 players of all time and were able to build rosters around them comprised of the next best 160 players of all-time, put them all

His best one (to me) was where he pivoted and drop-stepped David Robinson from the high post all the way into the first row, ending with a hellacious dunk. As disgusting as the more famous one he put on Robinson in the All-Star game.

Now playing

I love the Shaq vs Ewing Magic/Knicks days. Look at the stat lines in these games. Jeeezus.

I hope they all have a great meal and a peaceful evening.

Awright, you get this thread’s official Fred Thompson. Everyone else stand down.