I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.
Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t…
Thank god you can shoot anybody else! :P
Canvas was also the guy behind this awesome Radagast cosplay we showed a few weeks ago:
Wow this list must have a personal bias.. how does magikarp beat Garydos?
The Merrill cosplay is A+, but things always get ridiculous when large, live animals are involved.
Lara Croft’s latest adventure is surprisingly religious. It’s not just about the good aspects of a communal belief…
Small role... heheh
And some Japanese officials wonder why we think they’re a weird country.
As a Republican voter myself, I am endlessly frustrated at the morons taking up valuable airtime from candidates I would rather hear from.
No, you won’t “possibly” be watching DS9. You WILL be watching DS9 because I’m ordering you to. :P
I know for a fact he donates a LOT of money to charity too, and tries to do so somewhat anonymously. Class act.
Scott Cawthon, the creator of Five Nights at Freddy’s, knows perfectly well how his series has been received by the…
I didn’t know what else to call it. Maybe it’s not so much ‘sexism’ as it is ‘ewww girl cooties i don’t understand because i am a small boy’. Basically treating the opposite sex unfairly / differently (“girls can’t play boy games!”).
All great stories, but that first one can’t be beat. LumiNinja:
Uhhhh. I don't agree with the Duggars ideals or physiology regarding women, religion or history. I have no issues with the size of their family. More power to them. That said, they are just a big family that are zealots. That does not make them a cult like the Manson family. They do fall under the definition cult but…