Author, Immigrant

"This will be the first time the NBC Thursday night lineup hasn’t featured at least four comedies since the heyday of The Apprentice."

I hope everyone who thinks Coven was better than Asylum watches the finale and realizes just how dumb and wrong they are.

Another issue with this season: Ghosts. The Axeman started as an invisible spirit who only became corporeal because of Zoe. Where as Spalding died in the house and can be invisible or appear and act on Earthly things as if he were a regular person. There's no consistency with the rules.

To add onto the many disappointments of this season, I though Zoe would have been a smart, well rounded main character, but that was pretty much thrown out the window two episodes in.

"— Okay, as enjoyable as Misty laying the smackdown on Madison was, I can't help but think how wrong it is for the supposed season of girl power."

Possibly the only unbelievable notion of this future is the idea that Los Angeles could have a thriving rail based mass transit system by "the near future."