
Hey, tastes_like_burning, he's a young millionaire with a fine wife and a cute baby. where you at?

Hopefully he’ll learn how to conduct himself better next time.

"No, you were supposed to break out artist of the year, not break in."


If anybody's going to be used to a triple teaming, it's going to be a BYU student.

"a gecko, a Spider-Man, an elf, [and] a 12-year-old kid dressed as a banana."

When I thought Tiger and watersports, this is not what came to mind.

And Murali was a chucker !!!1!

Sand stool, the word you were looking for is sand stool.

Do it this way, deep fry it, wait 20 minutes, microwave, wait another 20, eat.

Is it named after the noise you make 45 minute after eating it?

To really experience it, you need the ones that were cooked about three hours earlier and have sat in the warmer, then they're half crunchy and half soggy.

I don't know if there's a huge demand for Tex Mex food down here, but whenever I fell like breaking my bowels a few Chiko Rolls that have been in a bain marie for a few hours usually does the trick.

I don't know, I have a meeting this afternoon to find out what my severance package is and any conditions, I doubt they've included copious amounts of sharting in it though.

Wow, I didn't know that either. The only way this day could get worse if somebody tells me hoop snakes and drop bears are made up.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) we don't have Taco Bell down here, but the McDonalds breakfast is an option.

I can only see it if click the blog mode option, it doesn't exist in the timeline to the right.

I am planning on taking the office wombat home with me.

See I was going to come in hung over as hell, but your idea lets me spread the pain around.

Well Monday is officially my last day, so I'm open to suggestions to how I should make sure I'm remembered.