I mean, the creatures are clearly designed as something between a parody and a pastiche of Pokémon- something to evoke the style in either an homage or a way to poke fun. And it’s neither illegal nor immoral to do either.
I mean, the creatures are clearly designed as something between a parody and a pastiche of Pokémon- something to evoke the style in either an homage or a way to poke fun. And it’s neither illegal nor immoral to do either.
Meanwhile, Amazon has been continually laying off employees, including in its streaming and video divisions as recently as a couple weeks ago.
What are you two even arguing at this point? The game objectively was a top seller in 2023 and got decent reviews. Whether it’s “good” is subjective and irrelevant.
It’s a game perfectly pitched at casual gamers and especially HP fans and has maintained strong sales and strong player response since it came out. It absolutely didn’t deserve any awards, but it was a fine diversion for a little while for me last winter. I have no desire to return to it- it’s a rather shallow game…
Is the game incomplete, or just... a boring game?
Can’t wait to see if they take a page out of Bethesda’s book and start commenting on reviews saying people are playing it wrong.
Kind of a low bar considering it’s January 12th.
Has any PokeClone actually been successful? Or good?
The only reactions are from people who have allegedly played the alpha version- and since that would be breaking the NDA they had to sign to play it, they’re all anonymous and can’t be verified. So I’m not sure what this universal praise is.
They’re really working hard to build back the goodwill they destroyed a few months back, huh?
I know it’s almost unanimously hailed as one of the best of all time and has many, many deeply passionate fans but... The Witcher 3. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s bad. But I just couldn’t find the deep love for it. I’ve had no desire to return to it after beating it. When I think about it, I think about the…
Not unlike an RPG
After the constant negative and critical coverage of Starfield on this site, it’s surprising to see it here.
These cats are more memorable than any human NPC in Starfield.
I liked Persona 4 and 5’s system of doing things over the more common, “the world is going to end and you must find the important item before it’s too late!… but sure you have time to do fetch quests for minor NPCs and fuck around all you want.”
I think a lot of people already agreed on that point. It’s just a very vocal subset of internet boys who champion him for some inexplicable reason- I could never tell if the whole Snyder cut thing was something that started ironic and became sincere, stayed fully ironic, or was always sincere.
I’ve seen so little advertising for this movie- I live in NYC and I’ve seen exactly one ad for it in a subway station- that I honestly forgot it was happening at all.
I even think AI could be used to create a lot of assets in games- like, to generate hundreds or thousands of in-world advertisements in a big city setting like Night City or something. But I think that the work the AIs are trained on should come from artists who are employed by the studio or on work that has been…
Surprised the letter wasn’t just, “Goodbye, fuckos!”
For me, it’s the fact that once reliable chain stores like Duane Reade/Walgreens or Target have become wildly understaffed. Here in NYC, these stores have started locking up necessary goods like toothpaste, baby formula, or detergent to stop shoplifting, requiring you to hit a button to summon a worker to open the…