Austin Wiggin, Jr.

Although now that I think about it, I guess MacLachlan may have been referring to his scenes wandering around Lodge World in the first couple episodes when he talked about playing the older Coop…

I dunno. According to June 22nd post on recapping his appearance at the Monte Carlo TV Festival, MacLachlan explicitly talked about playing the classic Cooper, "who’s now 25 years older and still Dale Cooper, but perhaps a little wiser. He’s had some tragedies in his life that have affected him

I love Twin Peaks at its worst (yes, I even like Nadine's S2 storyline and think the Little Nicky stuff is kind of funny—and James & crew singing "Just You" is honestly one of my favorite scenes ever), so I don't really agree with you. Still, I think what you've written is smart and insightful. One of the things that

I really don't think people enjoy The Shaggs in the mean-spirited/superior way you're describing. It's not traditionally skillfully competent music but not far removed from respected and clearly self-aware "indie" bands with a similarly shambling sound like Beat Happening, The Vaselines, Swell Maps, Marine Girls, The

I respect your willingness to interrogate your aesthetics. I think there are plenty of indie comics that are crude without much depth, but I also find most contemporary mainstream comics to be lacking in craft. This response to the new Black Panther series on The Comics Journal, I think, is a really good demonstration

Dang, why do you people whine every time Comics Panel chooses to highlight anything that's even slightly left-of-center. It is okay that something exists that you don't "get." Do you honestly believe that there's no more craft, thought, intent, or skill in Michael DeForge's work than in a fifth grader's doodle? I