You know I can see this, right?
Thanks for doing my budget for me. Saves me so much time. And just think: if Patrick hired me 8 months ago we could do this together but I guess my video résumé was lost in the ether. Cest la vie.
All the win in this one. I’d recommend a stack of 3 Honda Fit. Honda Fits? No, 3 Honda Fit plural no “S” sounds better. A Flock O’ Fit.
The only thing lacking is the sound. Assuming the engine noises in the Argentina video above were either dubbed in post, or synced with the in-car audio, I found them adequate only for promotional purposes. But for the actual race coverage, the sound of F1 and NASCAR adds so much to the broadcast, no matter how rad…
<Insert overused "Orson Welles clapping .gif" here>
How did I get to the comments section? How long have I been out for? I think I last remember something like “truncated bucket type head of...”
Seller Number Three’s story was great until its curious choice of “arrested nutter yelling=reason to arm up” and mentioning the specific brand and model of firearm followed by the coda of “yep, still got it”. Disconcerting is all.
Not trolling, per se. Just highlighting the author’s unique narrative choices.
I like the cool story about the cool guy with the cool Glock. He sure is cool with his Glock. I am still wondering, though, what happened with the Glock?
The animated intro and the repeated “Studio Noe” slug just left me feeling that Studio Noe is as self-aware of their inflated sense of worth as Gylllennnhaaaaaaalll in “Nightcraaaawler”.
I like the one where Tanner and Rutledge and, is it Adam Carolla.....
Done. This is exactly what I was going to write.
Tyler: what's that area of wear on the B52's tail? I noticed that on yesterday's photos and couldn't tell if it was paint or... Well no idea.
It's also Series II because, well, it's the second in the series. And it's also 109. Because that's the wheelbase. So pretty literal all around.