Both. He’s human. But also a hero.
Both. He’s human. But also a hero.
How can you miss the point that it is Ecuador that changed, not Assanges’s supporters? I’m sure you will find that lapse embarrassing, once you think about it.
Redactions allow charges of being selective. Sometimes not being selective, and being totally consistent, is more important than the alternative. It may be the only defense against millions of detractors.
Confused are we?
Wish the rest of Europe would kick the UK out with the hardest of Brexits. Now the Brits really deserve it.
So you would keep your little cell in hell a lot cleaner, and submit meekly. Wow. Just think of the honor you would be doing for humanity.
You mean, well I can’t believe it, you mean you can get the National Enquirer delivered? !!!
Like being smug is the worst of all evils. If he were Canadian he would certainly say “sorry” every other word. Betcha you’d get sick of him a lot sooner. Terrible those Australians. They should be “great”, like Americans. Except I can’t quite guess or fake what being “great” sounds like.
Let the Wikileaks website do the talking. To perdition with the pretenders. Remember, your remote control has a very convenient power off button.
Argument based on a mixture known falsehoods, plus interpretations of character colored in by the powerful.
There actually were larger issues at stake. You claim none could be more important?
Nope, he escaped as long as possible because he realized that the situation was putting him at risk the the tender mercies of the embarrassed USA. Would have probably been content to face Swedish justice if it weren’t politicized.
Remains to be seen what Trump will do in the long run. Who can predict the exact nature of future opportunities for expediency.
I think he is no one’s pawn. His platform is there for both sides to show their perfidy. Must admit that I really was surprised that liberals, or pretend liberals mostly, were the ones who had their feelings hurt the worst.
Amazing how the Democrats, pretend liberals, managed to use PR to blacken perception of Assange’s character when it was their ox being gored. Wow you got 140 likes. Cowards and connivers most of them.
You really think that his only reason to release what he got on Hillary was to save himself? You claim he could have got better on Trump? As Julian said, Trump doesn’t need exposing. Trump is quite transparent. If you like Trump, you get what you are voting for. Regards Assange, does putting a hero down for not being…
You don’t think that the pressures of the new bought off regime in Equador are worth insulting?
He’s human. You claim you could do better?
Or else he is a hero who has only a few choices in how to keep himself from being dragged down by the shear weight of his decisions.
First time I see this column, and the comments following. Aside from a few necessarily boring common sense reminders of what really matters, what a weird collection of cheap shots trying to chip away at Assange’s ego as if that could compare to the deep gratitude we should feel for what Assange has helped reveal.