These people need mommies
These people need mommies
You’ll eventually spin a bearing.
Supply chain management. Woo.
what happens if you crush a hydraulic press with a hydraulic press?
This is the correct answer
when i was a student at UT, parking services erected a new no parking sign in front of my car and tcketed me while the concrete was still wet.
nope. youre not allowed to stop your car anywhere in austin.
i feel like an opportunity is being missed for factory restomodded miatas with the cx-9 turbo 4
soooooo many suburbans. so much unreliability, so many delusions that they weren’t giant shit tanks
In my 1994 300zx(RIP) there was a similar system. You couldn’t really feel it “kick in” but it was definitely a little zingier above 5000 rpm. You could definitely see the tach needle speed up and get a wee stronger pushin the back as it approached redline.
That’s exactly what I was wondering. It sounds like a shitty little gas motor
It took her two weeks to investigate the extra set of keys she suddenly had?
I need an in-car video of the lap or this is all just lies and tricks
thanks! c’est la vie. one day maybe ill be able to drive a manual again. and i can getwhatwver i want basically. but for now i’ll keep hunting for the loaded cx-5 of my dreams
the grand touring cx-5s with adaptive CC are usually a smidge out of my pric erange but i’m going to kee searching
Seriously?! No pics of the interior?
Not if there are any mustangs there
Well, I’m looking at a new car because I had a stroke and my left leg is paralyzed, so it’s going to be, who the hell even knows how long before I can drive a manual again, also, I need butt-heightseats and leather to be able to easily get into a car at all, so it looks like I’ll be joining the mindless hordes of…
My sister told me that after I turn I should just release my grip on the steering wheel and let the wheel spin in my hands while the car corrects itself. Two weeks later she had crashed her car into a house.
When people rush in front of you and cut you off to be the first person in line at a red light and then they don’t turn right on red.