
Yes, and I do love that ride, too. But there's just something special about going on Revenge of the Mummy with somebody who has never ridden it. I don't want to post spoilers but there are certain parts that they always seem to be blown away by.

The best thing about the Brendan Fraser "The Mummy" is "The Mummy" ride at Universal. B/c that roller coaster is the best ride at the Florida park.

While I have never seen it so cannot speak from personal experience, I have quite a few friends who are big BTTF fans & went to see Crispin Glover when he was touring around showing his movie "It Is Fine! Everything is Fine" because he would do a Q&A & autograph session after the showings and every single one of them

I don't think he actually knew, but he "knew".

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The review states that the flashback was at Disney World, but it was definitely Disneyland in California.

And that's just the Florida humidity in late August. It's not like they filmed the episode in the middle of June or July or anything when it's even worse.

I, too, find it odd that this was the season premiere, though for an entirely different reason:

I really, really hope somebody does a follow up to this episode at some point. Whether it's Nathan himself seeing where Corey is after the episode was televised or a reporter doing so doesn't matter.

Never watched Barney when I was a kid.
The preschool I attended from 2-5 had a room with a tv that was constantly showing either Barney or Sesame Street. At some point each week the teacher could get a break by taking the students there to watch a half hour. Something that teaches the children lessons. Or at least I'm

Absolutely incredible episode.

The leader of The Brotherhood was Jamie Hector, a.k.a. Marlo! And he was just as much of a bad-ass as we all remember him being on The Wire.