
This didn’t happen.

Kara Brown is white.

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.

I think Bill Simmons talked about that back when he was cool and when I was cool for reading him. Neither of those are true now.

They are much better than they have any right to be.

Forgot to account for the smog drag coefficient....

I think a better way to put it is that the show makes her calculating more effective. She just as calculating in the books, she’s just not very good at it.

Huh. And I thought I was getting hard to surprise on the internet.


If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

Why is there a toad sitting next to Louie CK?

This is really relevant to me right now. I saw the Wonder Woman movie, and while it had its flaws, I loved it. Decided to pick up the New 52 run based on a recommendation. I also loved it. Until I got to issue #36, where apparently a new team took over. Wonder Woman went from being someone I admire, with strong

Subsequent Predator films would repeat this theme (including my beloved Predator 2, which transfers the action to the urban jungle of Los Angeles, and somehow finds an action-hero role for Gary Busey amid the ensuing madness).

All Star Batman, ftw:


One of the problems ESPN’s Darren Rovell points out