
I can’t believe I come off as “coherent” but I’ll take any compliment I get.

Think ‘office chair’.

Morgan’s SUV would be a 5 wheeler.

Indeed, I would! 

The next Aventador will be hybrid, with a V12.

This might be the best Jalop bump ever.

Definitely worth reiterating. 

As your article states, Munro is talking about gross profit, not net. SG&A are not factored into gross profit.

If you were the insurance adjuster, would you really want to spend all that money to repair the car, only to hand that car back to the owner who couldn’t make it to the nearest gas station to get it’s first fill up of premium without wrecking it?

Ran when parked (abruptly).

I sense a disturbance... As if thousands of voices shouted out “HASHTAG YOLO” all at once, and were suddenly silenced...

You just made me want a Ford Flex with GTR internals....

Im picturing a Ford Flex, myself...

It’s about leaks, and trust me, I know a thing or two about those.

THIS is the spiritual successor to the original race cars.

The flight deck is also known as the cockpit.  Usually only the pilot and copilot up there.  And there’s no way they all could NOT have known what was happening, unless one of them was in the bathroom or something.

The flight deck crew is usually just the crew in the cockpit, and I imagine they would have to have at least known he was doing it.

Just think.............of the millions of sperms released, this guy was the fastest.

Well, no MSM writer or broadcaster wants to get wrapped up with arguments with the Truth-Denying Right Wing pundits, and risk losing their job. Or ad revenue. Right?

The CARB report includes out-of-state emissions.