
Thank Mercedes, because it’s basically their V12.

I will make you mine one way or another.

He is going to support them to death.

There is a certain sad poetry in the idea that the motorcycle brand that embodies all of America’s worst tendencies is poised to be stabbed in the back by the president that also embodies all of America’s worst tendencies.

Good tires cost good money. When I actually had a driftable car and was so inclined to go to a drift day and ruin my self esteem, I could go by a pair of cheap new tires that I wouldn’t mind shredding for $50-70 a pop, and realistically even though they shorten tire life dramatically, unless you’re literally doing

Can you cheat in the unlimited class? Not sure of the rules, but didn’t think there were many. Waiting for Porsche to show up in their 919 Evo after they pull off their sub 5 minute Nurburgring run.

I’d argue that just like cheap phones have become “good enough” for a lot of people, OS updates have become less important: Google, seeing that OEMs weren’t great about updates, has managed to make it so that many, many things are updated from the Play Store instead of the core OS, and, on top of that, mobile OSes are

I have ZERO sympathy for most farmers.

Now this is a real grocery getter.

It does have a feedback system. It’s called elections.

Pikes Peak is PERFECT for electric cars: Short distance is clearly within range limitations, tight turns leverage instant torque, elevation gains and reduced oxygen are irrelevant.

If you drive a tiny turbocharged car with gullwing doors, you don’t fist bump. You peer over the top of your Foster Grants and give the ol’ fingergun and a wink.

Thank you Toyota for reminding the world that luxury isn’t measured by how many buttons you can cram into a dash or a touchscreen UI.

All passengers, none who have tires to Flat Earth, all secretly conspire to troll the world in the biggest way possible. “It was like a gorgeous pancake!”. They all nod in unison.

What happens when we send a flat Earther into space? Do they:

Huh, what happened? I was just reading and settling in for an interesting article and then poof! Nothing else? I feel cheated.

I wonder if that wing produced enough downforce at speed to lighten the tongue load up enough to make the whole deal unstable.