
Will it display when a light is about to change yellow? if so Audi has accidentally created another V2V data network that is available to all drivers - when you see an A4 punch it on a know a yellow is coming. Thanks Audi!

Cave Paintings and Chill

“...has a safety record that beats any organized competition,”

I don’t know how you manage to get through each day of your life living under that kind of oppression.

As a matter of fact I did. which part of “A person badly injured while riding in a self-driving car would not be able to take part in a class action lawsuit, or sue the maker of the technology. “ lost ya?

The owner/renter/user of an automated car might not be able to sue, but a third party, such as driver of another car, or a pedestrian, can not be constrained by a contract or license they did not sign.

“Look, if you want to make a self-driving omelette, you gotta break a few eggs.”

Don’t forget what KIA stands for.

I guess will start seeing Kias crashing out of Cars and Coffee now.

He didn’t forget the Marines. They’re part of the Navy. ;-)

*Drove an R8

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.

Doctor Strange drives a R8 tho

FAKE NEWS TORCH! Everbody knows Doctor Who drives a London Police Box not an F40, can’t believe you got hoodwinked like that.

Having driven both, I reckon the 4C and Cayman are about the same size but that’s pretty much where similarities in the driving experience end. Both fun, very different. Overall I agree with your assessment.

An Elise is a cool car and they will never be able to build something like that again. If you fit in it and can deal with the minimalism then go for it.

IMHO the Alfa 4C looks more exotic and the Cayman is better all around and both are way cheaper.

Journalist says a Lotus is good. No one listens. Everyone buys a Cayman or 911. Rinse and repeat.

Just as I was pulling into my driveway in the lovely college town of San Marcos Texas I had a cop turn his lights on. Seeing as how I was in my driveway, I parked my car and waited for him to come up to the window. The police officer proceeds to inform me that my license plate illumination lights were out, which I