
Yes, but fewer people would know about it. Provenance is nothing without exposure.

He’s being compensated by provenance. No one else has the record holding Koenigsegg. He’d best sell it on before the record is broken.

Heat transmitted from going that speed hazed the clearcoat would be my guess, but I’m no expert.

I can’t be the only one who has occasionally cut the inside of my mouth on hard candies that developed sharp/pointy edges while being consumed.

not explicitly, you duplicitous fuck, but it was sure as hell implied

Did I attach a judgment of any sort to that value?

I would take that bet, just because people can be frickin’ crazy. stupid of us to need a ride who live in cities with non-functioning public transit or taxi services. Shame on us.

I’ll wager $1 the delivery guy just happened to know Mr. Thornton, had a long standing beef with him, had a spat over said beef and resulted in a death.*

I see your sarcasm, but why is it that delivery/fill-in-the-blank has worked well enough for decades but anything that goes bad in the context of our tech economy, and people react as if it is totally different than crime in the traditional economy and move to call for regulation/bans/whathaveyou?

In any analysis like this, you have specificity vs sensitivity. Sensitivity is the ability of a test to correctly identify those with the disease (true positive rate), whereas test specificity is the ability of the test to correctly identify those without the disease (true negative rate). Basically, it means

“Elvis once wrote in a paper” is definitely a phrase I never thought I’d read on Gizmodo.

I guess.

Damore I read about this guy, Damore I hate him.

No, she was the best part of my day so far...

The stupidest among us used to die at much earlier ages. Protecting morons from their own moronic impulses is a relatively recent concept.

Mostly thumbs.

It’s a Misubishi GTO(3000GT). No serious harm done.

This is how it’s going to go.

as soon as the new S2000 makes the Supra look old...