
Mine was only $10k with 2 previous owners and only 80K miles on it. I’m coming up on 170k now and it’s never given me any issues. I think as long as it doesn’t have a salvage title or questionable modifications this is a good suggestion.

I think their line of thinking there is that basic people looking for cars find cars that are 25+ years old to be boring and stupid, whereas a 2016 Tata something could be had for under $10k, but meets none of our emissions/safety standards if we didn’t prevent their import.

It’s the no communication theorem. The spooky action at a distance is more akin to two radios listening to the same station. You can use that signal to generate strong encryption, but it cannot purvey information between the two end points.

First party stock apps are not bloadware.


I assume she and Ms. Baldwin went in with a full head of steam.

The ads are based on your browsing history...perhaps you should try incognito mode? Also $100/mo.? There are lower tier options available.

I did mine a few years ago, it was really nice. This was before they had the high gloss finishes. I kept it on for just over 2 years. It held up really well and I’m planning on doing it again here pretty soon. I love the idea that you can constantly change up the entire look of the car for a couple hundred bucks

Like a Hornet you say?

Like a Hornet you say?

That could be worse. She’s now brought to term a child who is half her, half someone who’s genetic data has invaded her body without her consent. She consented to be impregnated by her husband, not just some person.

The hospital stuck them with some rado’s kid instead of the parent’s for life and they expect the professionals to do their job correctly or compensate for it? insanity.

Like a Hornet you say?

Tell that to train engineers with PTSD from running over people trying to pull off some wicked sick stuntz.

Blue Origin looks like a more tourist friendly option, but it’s not really getting up far enough. I think it’s worth the tradeoff to ride in Space X’s rocket version of the Model X since it gets you a week and a trip around the moon instead of 11 minutes and “kinda” space.

no, no. EU

You should read World War Z, IIRC they imply a solution to your very qualm. There’s plenty of meat within the borders to keep a core contingent alive.

meh, if it’s any consolation I get Willem Dafoe and Steve Bucemi...I’m 36.

Ah, evil clowns have a death grip on the tubes now. I just didn’t know this movie was that prescient. </politicalRant> is this a prequel to the IT crowd? I’m not seeing the network connection here.