
looks like that car’s pretty good at earning the badges...I’m not seeing archery in there. Good to know it can swim though.

My new mission in life is to create a car company so I can name the cars things like that. So far, I’m thinking the FTW, WTF (rear wheel “sporty” 2-door version of the FTW), GTFO, AFK (autonomous car).

You’ve said more eloquently the same response I give to people who whine about this question. We’re not giving the cars a moral AI, just autonomous navigation abilities. It’s going to try really hard to not crash, everything else is basically up to physics.

and then reached the other end of the universe. Take your seat and enjoy the show!

10/10 did not see the end coming.

lack of fire coverage on insurance?

Me: My S2000 is going to be out of commission for a few days while fixing hail damage. I need a rental.

Cannibals gotta teach their kids to cook too. living room is rather large, mind you. There’s also the problem of cooking visitors, but it’s totally worth it.

sounds like your lightbulbs are pretty weak, bro.

counterpoint: anyone who’s ever bought/looked for a house knows that bad photos make it hard to decide to dedicate time/effort into heading to what appears to be a potato cam farm.

Thanks, I’ll wait until the Mach 5 clutches come out...they’ve got 5 blades...wait...what are we talking about?

I threw up a little in my didn’t need to know that, much like the world doesn’t need to be aware of this car.

8/10, would watch.

I actually got tired of this effect to the point I transitioned from AssholeA to Unicorn that helps people of both A and B types of assholism...I believe another comment (clearly a B-type) calls us “enablers”

false: I didn’t get one because I lack funding...if I had funding I would have failed for the reasons you specify though, so I suppose that’s just the pedant in me wanting to type something...hello internet.

There are definitely more efficient methods than our current panels. The super high efficiencies are typically using expensive and/or experimental processes, so commercially available samples aren’t generally available, let alone a lot large enough to kit out a house.

8200rpm redline for the GT350? And you call that high? Wuss...

I last looked into getting some ~5 or 6 years ago and it was going to be ~$30k, cover a full quarter of my roof and provide ~75% of my power. Sorry I don’t remember specific numbers, but a panel system was half the price, half the size, and should have covered my full usage with power to spare, so I’d say about half