
Affordable and awesome.

My poor StarTAC!

My poor G1

Came looking to point out the same thing. I don’t think it’s totally the buss’s fault (not even mostly), but that was hella close and I’d have been super nervous if I were driving the Lexus...probably would have honked.

-$ was a rough month and I’m glad to see it behind me.

Not sure if I agree with the Economical argument, I’ve reduced my meat intake over the last couple years, and still go back to it because chicken and beef are crazy cheap for the amount of protein you get. Fresh veggies/fruits still top the charts for my most expensive foods.

I dunno, $350k seems like a lot for a car I’ll likely drive for 5-10 seconds before stuffing it sideways into a tree at 100+mph and crapping myself...then again, I’m not really talented at rally, so that might be the real issue there.

Will you take a gently used kegarator and $50? prevent understeer?

This is such a good point I really wanted to edit my original post to account for that, but alas, Kinja will make fools of us all.

“Grokle no amount to anything. Firely much more manly.”

I like your clarification better than mine, but I was just trying to clarify the question for Kryton.

It required the energy of 3 solar masses to create a ripple that’s a fraction of the width of an atom, theory, yes we can, but it would require us to have the tools to harness/emit power on the level of blowing up several stars, so not really practical at the moment.

basically: ‘how does this affect me in my daily life?’’s better than a Yeti cooler?

Great, now I want a body kit for my S2000 to make it look like the Bentley...but, you know...convertible and approximately the cost of a house less expensive.

Try Fat Burger from now on, you can get yourself a double cheese with fries for $2.95.

This. When I get raises, I put the extra into savings and retirement funds and continue living on approximately the same monthly net I’ve had for over a decade now. The extras accumulate for larger purchases such as bad ass vacations and upgrades to my home.’re saying Arsenal deserves goals for all those deaths?

Which just reinforces the need for legislation around autonomous cars. Again, you say they can’t do this technologically, but your reasoning is that we have laws to regulate people. There’s a disconnect there that you’re not covering. Your original post was saying that legislation is unnecessary because autonomous