
It’s possible there are people out there who don’t want a Volleyball court for a front lawn, or perhaps they’d like to have a nice place for their kids to play instead of a cactus garden. Maybe they’ve got dogs that eat flowers or live in a state with water restrictions so they can’t irrigate?

What would you recommend in place of the artificial turf? Keep in mind, we’ve already ruled out the real stuff.

I’m not sure there are words for that. Was it any good?

It’s very “i want a bugatti, but i can only afford to build this in my garage”

Damn, came to post this alongside a supercar from Spain (do they exist?).

Kuracq is attacking? Shit, I’m moving to Manada.

As a Texan, your comment confuses me. Wouldn’t you just shoo them all off with yer gun? Or do you mean if it’s driving alone? Does open carry apply to autonomous cars?

If someone else is footing the bill, I’d rally whatever the hell you’re willing to let me kill via driving like a crazy person.

Installing an early build of Windows 8, with the right (wrong?) hardware setup (some faulty early prototype hardware) the install would regularly bail while rebuilding the system. It’d get almost to the end then a dialog would pop up. No header on the dialog, and just an ok button. The entire message was:

hopefully they’ll just exit the freeway, or runoff into the center ditch...ditches love autonomous cars.

well, at least not if the blinker was on...which would clearly have been activated in error.

A highly valid point, and I thought of that when I first hopped in to suggest the Tesla. The justification in my mind went more along the lines that while this isn’t a car that is representative of a bygone era, it is the first time we’re seeing large adoption of alternative energy by the major manufacturers (as

There were a few times when the audio synced perfectly with the video. You’ve convinced me that Formula E NEEDS these kind of sound effects if they want to be competitive. Perhaps a minimum decibel output for each vehicle? Allow teams to come up with their own ‘engine’ noises...perhaps an award based on popular vote

It’ll definitely take a while, but tuning can still be done with electric cars. You can tweak things like how quickly it will dump the battery, which will necessitate better cooling, etc. There’s a lot of potential there. As for the coal rollers, I’d like them to disappear immediately, there are tons of them here in

Tesla Model S looks like it’s heralding the end of the gasoline powered cars. They may not die for a while ye, but this vehicle represents a proper beginning to the end.

Only if it was the kind of thing someone like me would say, but I’m not sure it is, then again, who’s to say?

Well, to be fair, actual robbery is probably 100% robbery, but your point still stands.

What is this, car DNA?

Do people rarely steal cars with children in them because people rarely leave children in cars, or is it because dealing with the kid after you steal the car is more of a hassle than just taking the next car over?

You should check out the TopGear episode where they review it. The car has so much want with the looks and roof configurations, but so much fail in the drive experience. If you could get one, gut it, and replace the engine with, say, a Hayabusa engine and maybe a T5 transmission or something (forgive if that’s the