
How does that make my stats invalid? BMWcrazy was specifically calling out car jacking (i.e. the car being stolen with an occupant), and I put up statistics about car jacking (from the Wiki page on...Carjacking). I mean, I can try to dig through and try to find stats on cars stolen while parked with children in them,

Yeah, but what level of hacking did they get to? I mean if you’re only making it to yellow, then you’re probably not deploying enough decoy executables inside the trusted firewall. Probably best to run an RSA-3 bypass to ensure the encryption doesn’t prevent a trace.

Just remember, lazy and dumb are not derogatory terms to a programmer...they’re a goal we’re always trying to achieve. They make things faster and smarter!

Interesting, I’m running chrome as well and it worked after I did that. Agreed that people should just use YouTube (or Vimeo if you absolutely can’t use YouTube for whatever reason).

For ongoing investigations of people who are already under surveillance, it can place them in certain parts of the city at certain times. That can be useful in an investigation; however, keeping tabs on people who aren’t lawfully under surveillance is a complete atrocity akin to using government equipment for stalking.

Windows up, parked in the sun with front facing the glowy orb in the sky. I used to cook hotdogs this way. It can get hot if you’re careful about parking to maximize the heat. :)

Way to willfully miss Torch addressing all of your concerns in the article.

Came here to post an S, leaving happy that someone beat me to it.

Turn off Flash Block, reload page, watch the video, re-enable flash block. Keep calm, continue browsing.

The more people in on the joke, the funnier it is.

I believe you mistyped 1.5 psi.

You’re just in the wrong state. I was stuck in traffic last week (S2000 has surprisingly limited off road capabilities) when the Jeep directly behind me drove off a bridge, forded a river and crawled up the rocky embankment on the other side to pass through an empty lot into a neighborhood with no cars.

nope, 4/1

1/12 scale racing is cool and all, but I’d get more psyched up about watching 4/1 scale racing...the track alone would be awe inspiring.

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m fired up to watch X-Men: Days of Future Past The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies Star Trek Star Trek: Into Darkness Mad Max Fury Road The Amazing Spiderman The Amazing Spiderman 2 Transformers Dark of the Moon Thor The Dark World Thor Iron Man 3 S Oblivion Captain America The

If she can take her top off, I might do a test drive, but since I’ve gotten a taste for open air motoring, I’ll be skipping any enclosed cabins that don’t have more than 4 seats. Some exceptions can apply, but they need to be pretty extreme (Baja Bug, Terrawind, Rally Fighter, etc.)

makes you wonder if he’s ever read this site, and if so, is this just a joke that went flaccid?

We’ve got one, but it’s got the old turbo encabulator. As long as you can work with that, we can have a deal!