
Wow, I’m 34 and didn’t know it was née and not ‘nay.’ All this time, I thought it was basically saying ‘no’ before correcting yourself on the name/origin of something.

Wasn't paying much attention when I saw the gif at first (of course I'm going to watch the video), so I thought it was Texas...seeing as the only mountains of that size in TX are in El Paso, I thought I might recognize where it took place...then mild disappoint. Still an amazing video.

So...we’ve got 24ish million years ‘till the next time we blow through the disc? Sounds like we need to get our species off this crazy rock!

That second one is really’s like a Chevy branded Labbo knock off with softer edges.

Just so I’m clear: the wireless car that has one wire that’s really a data cable like your tv cable cable runs the entire car on one wire.

Passengers on long road trips who sleep...and get angry if it’s too hot/cold/loud for their precious slumber. It’s fine if you want to sleep, but I gotta stay awake, so I’m going to blast the A/C and stereo at pretty high volumes.

You get your damned crazy “logic” outta my internets!

I dunno, but I want that color on my car ASAP...with some black stripes.

Personally, I'm a fan of the old ways. I subscribe to the wear things people might stare at and think you're crazy mode of accomplishing that. Sock and sandals are excellent when paired with my torn cargo shorts and Hawaiian shirt.

If I just had a spare garage to store it while I take the next 4-5 years to complete the remaining 15ish hours worth of labor left to fix it.

Makes me wonder if it works in the other direction, i.e. if I mount a snowboard as a wing for a car, exactly how ridiculous does it look?

Is this something I can add on to a manual car (and disable when I feel like it)? It’d be nice to not have to get another car just to handle the mundane parts of my commute for me.

That spoiler on the P1 would make an excellent snowboard for a minifig.

I’ll never be able to make a video as cool as that for 3 reasons:

The power you want is to say ‘no’ to question’ll help at least a bit.

You should try out BMW’s turbo diesel 5 series. I test drove one with a friend a couple years back and it had exactly the kind of excitement you’re describing...I know because I’d never driven a car with extreme turbo lag before. Makes quite the impression!

Dat green. It’s exactly the color I want for my S2000...dipping again sometime this year, I’ll see how close I can get.

haha, true enough, though even with the interior they came out with it’d be a hassle. Better to just use the other car.

I did like the interior on the concept better though...wildly less practical, but pretty bad ass.