
Came here expecting non-super car price based on title...leaving disappointed.

Really, what you're missing is the flip side of those numbers:

I'd even take one without the dual engines!

I think we'll see these once the autonomous cars are more prevalent. If you don't have to worry about teaching idiot drivers how to fly without killing each other, this suddenly becomes much more doable.

How about a non-exotic materials version? Fiberglass instead of CF, keep it mostly the same and you'll still make a way better car than the Prius.

If they would just provide good export options for things like a depth map and matching image, this would unlock some really excellent options for Photoshop. Suddenly you could apply effects at varying depths. Even better would be if the Lytro software would allow you to set depth slices and export the image with

Rally fighter! Preferably a hard top convertible. It's basically a cross between a trophy truck, a car, and a Wrangler. Needs more wrangler.

Pretty sure that's 184320 normal torques

Came here for this, Civic, Camry, or Corolla...they're all interchangeable in whatever slot this takes in the final lineup. Great car to have a coma in...though, honestly, I did enjoy mine, just not as a driver's car.

Want. So. Bad.

I'm Orlovin'g it

From the store footage: Master Thief

So...what you're saying is that it's going to be hard to get a good used one.

Aren't there laws against cruel and unusual punishment?

I still don't get why they don't make an XL-1 without the exotic materials. Sure, it'll probably only get 100-150mpg, but the cost would drop dramatically. That's pretty much the only semi-valid thing the conspiracy theorist whines about. If they could keep the MPG north of 100 and get the cost below $50k (I'm not

The whole thing is terrible...though, in a way it's great, because if I ever decide to make my own car, and someone says it looks bad, I can always point them to this and say "at least it's not this bad."

Done...sent an inquiry on why they don't just cram the WRX/STI engines into the Crosstrek and call it a day. I'd buy one.

I wish I could recommend this Subaru.

Nevermind, mine are the STL16/17, and they haven't been updated. Sigh...getting my hopes up.

Wait...they update the STL161 series? Does that mean I can finally upgrade my trailer?