
So exactly like The Force Unleashed? Will Starkiller also be in it?

He should have taken a note from the Suntory whiskey commercial director in Lost in Translation and tossed in some references like “Rat Pack” or “Roger Moore” to illustrate his point.

It’s not really an EU thing. Maul does have more to his story in the Clone Wars cartoon, but that’s not EU, that’s canon.

Ingrid Walla?

I once saw an online quiz that asked “Which Bob’s Burgers character are you?” I did not take it. Instead, I put on my bunny ears and rode off on my Green Machine.

One actor who wanted to be done with the series two movies ago is done with the series. Nailed it.

Didn’t you watch Eddie the Eagle? This was always going to happen.

You know, this show doesn’t sound so fucking bad.

I thought Hader seemed genuinely surprised by the repetition of Roman J Israel, Esq. so I’m guessing those were new.

They both read The New Yorker!




Daily Mail gonna Daily Mail.

Great ep.

Nick Offerman is also exceedingly polite.

Pretty sure Ben Wyatt has pretty strong opinions about R.E.M. too. During the roller skate birthday party, “Get this,” he says. “I asked the dj what R.E.M. albums he has. He’s got Monster but not Automatic for the People. What is this, a mid-90s party? No, it’s an early 90s party!”

There’s a lot of Parenthood/Friday Night Lights crossover.

For me he’s always Vince Howard, leader of men.

Mango knows.