Aussie girl

She has strong reputation as a real, nice person. Also, she stars in one of my fav Aus films, Shame.

Pretty sure the only person on that list who isn’t a bullshit person is Deborra-Lee Furness.

She’s been acting crazy for 10 years though, even before little Egor.

It doesn’t have to be either or. Lindsay has been pretty undeniably batshit for the better part of a decade. It makes sense that she would seek out an equally unstable partner, and quite likely that that unstable partner would be abusive.

No one has to jump to the conclusion that Lohan is a drug-addled mess and pathological liar, that’s been established for a decade. The only question is whether or not this specific instance is just more crazy or if she’s also hooked up with an abuser. Frankly either or both are completely possible since she’s an

I’m fine with her being denied parole—what would she do in the real world anyway? But for everyone saying “19 is old enough to know not to kill someone” should go read about the Stanford Prison experiment or even just go read Heart of Darkness. Many (if not all) people are capable of this kind of evil given the right

It’s because he’s still alive. Once Manson dies, they’ll all be paroled. He exerted such a powerful influence over certain members for such a long time and it was such a violent crime, they don’t want to risk it.

Not sure how I feel about this. I mean she was part of the Manson family, so yeah no parole makes sense, but she was 19 when she did these murders/helped with these murders and isn’t our justice system supposed to be about rehabilitation? I get that Manson himself should never see the light of day, and to be honest if