Hasn’t the Root posited that owning and using swords is white boy shit? Is it time to reconsider that position, or is this gentleman guilty of cultural appropriation? Also murder.
Hasn’t the Root posited that owning and using swords is white boy shit? Is it time to reconsider that position, or is this gentleman guilty of cultural appropriation? Also murder.
So somebody thought it was cool to give their “really messed up in the head” family member a sword...
“Especially in Texas, where I assume that every person over the age of fourteen has at least two guns on them at all times.”
That’s the first bit of insanity to jump out at you, but I’m still stuck on “Thanksgiving gift.” Who gives gifts on Thanksgiving? And who gives a sword as a gift? Especially in Texas, where I assume that every person over the age of fourteen has at least two guns on them at all times.
Ok I’ll ask, if you knew as a family that he had mental issues and had violence in his past then why in the hell did y’all buy him a sword?? I know people are going to say I’m wrong but damn that is the most ass backwards thing I’ve heard of.
Thank you.
Thank you. This is horrifying and totally relatable.
This is crazy. This isn’t something you substitute for effort; you do everything you normally do with to make deviled eggs adding and extra ingredient. It requires more effort and it gets you more flavor. There is nothing lazy about adding relish, quite the opposite, in fact.
Right? I was under the impression that the only deviled eggs without relish are made either by lazy-ass people, or they are cheap, store-prepared shit they are trying to whip up en masse to sell.
Flagged for hate speech
Since the dawn of cooking, relish has never not belonged in deviled eggs. I will go to war and fight on the front lines for you on this one, Mo.
The only time I’ve seen deviled eggs without relish was in the grocery store. They looked like lame whipped yolks with some paprika sprinkled on top cover up the shame of not having relish. Deviled eggs are like potato salad without the potato. Same ingredients apply.
I’m still not understanding how this is even under debate. Like, how is this a question?
My family is painfully white and we put relish in deviled eggs. Except for my sister but she lost her damn mind and put olives on top once and that was the end of her egg making privileges.
Over the holiday, a lively debate got started in our Slack chat over the proper way to make deviled eggs.
Because it’s considered bad taste and callous to speak ill of the dead or near dead.
Oh you left out Several Becky nominees that deserve to be called out:
“Women are often dismissed from emergency rooms only to die within hours of an undiagnosed heart attack since symptoms are often atypical.”
I fully expected this article to state that he’d legally changed his first name to “Doctor.”