Aurora Silvermane

The Republican ace in the hole is voter suppression; people actually voting (yannow, democracy) is terrifying for them. So the Dems should be getting down to the unsexy business of getting people registered to vote and physically getting them to the polls rather than attempt to court white rednecks who want nothing to

I’ll go ahead and fix that title for Ms. McArdle:

She’s talking about the so-called “white genocide” that white supremacists are so terrified of—white supremacists abide by the “one drop rule” and therefore whiteness is a delicate flower whose fragility must be strictly protected. They’re terrified of the nebulous predictions of “white people becoming the minority”

It’s almost like white people think minority groups are treated badly in in America or something.

Did you just, “It is known” us?

White people run those broadcasting you think the show would’ve actually been picked up and aired if it made white people too uncomfortable? Just sayin.

I would say that this is probably more alarming in that racists teach elementary, middle, and high school as well. I have a customer that comes into my bar (that I have thus been unable to throw out because the owners have been cool to just accept his money and let him go on about his racist shit) who is a (retired?)

Maybe he needs to consider some of that DNA shit. A lot of this “my family is ___” stories that Americans tell themselves have more to do with the politics of the time than reality.

I think it’s because white women are announcing whatever they’re announcing not to the world, but to white men. Most white men will accept overt sexism as “just the way things are” before they’ll see overt racism as acceptable. Or so white women think. Since white people literally cannot ever experience racism, they

Well, they wouldn’t believe her if she was white either. Unless the accused was a POC, especially if he were Black. Then they’d be all over it. If he’s a white guy, he’s pretty much off the hook. See: Brock Turner.


For the record, Appalachian bluegrass music was heavily influenced by Black people, too.

Oh, there’s a white-people “woke” that is obnoxious AF. Once Faux News drops the Christianity act and stops demonizing weed and hallucinogens, these people will be their bread and butter when the Boomers die off.  

At ‘this’ time? Dove has always been part of the problem. They’re (again) putting a thin veneer of “inclusiveness” on the racist, sexist beauty standards they helped create and foster. And (again), it’s all about the white male gaze.

Sorry, Dove—could you scream it a little louder? We couldn’t quite catch that you’re run by a bunch of clueless white guys.

“I’m not racist, but...I’ll totally implement and enable my family’s/friends’ racism and racist agenda because I don’t want them to not like me anymore. But I’m not racist.”

I take epilepsy medication, and mixing it with alcohol can be dangerous—it can make you very dizzy and pass out.

I’m asking this in good faith.

Do you think it would be appropriate for white people to join in the protest?

I think part of his point is that parties are made up of voters and candidates aren’t just selected out of nowhere...if we want a different candidate, we’re going to have to actually participate in our own governing to make it happen.