
Definitely. Aerospace work means she’s going to be in a lot of varied/far flung places, so learning to negotiate for flexible enough hours not to feel isolated is a skill to start polishing.

Good lord, if I had interest from NASA or SpaceX I would be there in a minute. You can keep in touch with friends and family with Facebook until you have new friends where you are.

Also, STOP HOVERING and let her grow up already.

Don’t put your GPA on your resume. It makes you look junior and highlights your experience being mostly educational as opposed to work force. Source: I’m a hiring manager.

Preach. This. Word.

It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’

Hi, dears.

I chose taxes because they provide INFRASTRUCTURE. So congrats on having your phone bill paid—public schools and libraries are now DEAD (along with the middle class and public transit).

The problem isn’t that white people can’t understand; it’s that we’re unwilling to extend the benefit of the doubt to black people when they talk about their experiences with racism. I can’t know what it’s like to be tailed in a store because of my race, but I can take it on faith that it happens if enough people say

ROFL, OMG! I’m white. While arguing against Trump and the RFR (Republican Fourth Reich) BEFORE the election, I asked Trumpsters WHICH of the 5 tenets of the GOP (racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, or xenophobia) was the prejudice they preferred. They’d claim it wasn’t ANY of those but couldn’t/wouldn’t offer

I think a key part of understanding racism is knowing and acknowledging that you don’t understand racism. Or rather, you don’t understand experiencing systemic racism literally every day, whether you notice it or not.

I always try to say I can imagine, but don’t know first hand. I try to be understanding without appearing to think I truly understand. I think a lot of times it comes down to poor word usage coupled with white privilege.

I am a white man. I have dated black women. I never bring this up in conversations about race because it immediately makes me sound like I’m either bragging or explaining that I am not racist.

“You’re crazy if you think I can’t understand what you’re going through.”

My mother in law texted my husband to say how offended she is about my latests posts (e.g. “white men continue to be the biggest terrorist threat in the US”, “THIS WHITE ON WHITE CRIME HAS TO STOP”, and “white people need to stop using Oujia boards in horror films”), calling them racist against her and her family.

Could you imagine if black people went out every weekend and re-enacted the Haitian Revolution or if Native americans re-enacted Little Bighorn? White people would lose their shit.

“I never owned slaves.”

“Well, what about Chicago?”

Consolation prizes to: