
Does he not get that the bill is just trying to call attention to the invasiveness of abortion regulation?

Yeah, it was clearly in reference to the interview. This shouldn’t be a thing. It’s kinda depressing that people are so hot for the take-down that they will totally disregard, like, basic syntax.

My thoughts as well. Although he probably could’ve worded differently. I think his intent wasn’t to be inappropriate, but to flatter. 

RE: Jim Carrey

Now playing

I’d just like to say that I enjoyed the homage to the movie Elizabeth as Hell Sabrina was getting ready to take the throne.

What kind of psychopath thinks overnight guests are going to go through TWO BOTTLES of nail polish remover during their brief time at your place? That screams of “oh, here’s some lady stuff hurr hurr.”

I’m not sure it makes him a misogynist, but it definitely doesn’t make him supportive.* I can see why she’s keen to avoid an actual disagreement because these things always play out in perception as the woman being the aggressive bitch and the man being victimized. I’m tired as fuck of it.

*editing to add that in this

A few ex-husbands ago...”

As a pothead myself, I’d like you to find another name for Uncle Smegma. Pot never rotted a foreskin!

I stopped visiting my family out of obligation and only see them when I actually feel like it (which is... rare). Zero regrets and zero ruined holidays since.

Yeah, this isn’t the story you had in your head...

You should have left the table if it bothered you. Also, it was HER fucking table. #teaminlaws

the supremacists in question never expressed any offensive remarks or racist ideologies

I know people wrung their hands about Hillary Clinton calling Gabbard a Russian tool because something something establishment something feminism.

All four of these guys plus their other associates have been pretty anti-Trump, and in fairness it has most likely cost them both personally and professionally.

Right.  They started out by calling Obama a “socialist” and then it morphed into a “fascist” and a “communist” because they don’t know what words mean.

Please, these assholes will fall right in line and stymie the Senate vote and everybody knows it. If they cared about what this lunatic was doing to their party or the country they’d have spoken up before now. 

If this stuff is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

Right? We are calling Moonstruck, for which Cher won an Oscar for best actress, Olympia Dukakis won one for best supporting actress, and it won best screenplay, “underrated”? It was also nominated for best picture and best director.

Thank you for reminding me this website’s target audience is half my age.