
That’s my point. The Republican party is using the deaths of two men and the grief of their mothers to further their own ends. I have no doubt that the sort of accident you describe is common and definitely not exclusive to illegal immigrants failing to obey traffic laws.

The only thing worse than a cheating liar is a lazy cheating liar. To quote an old Garfield cartoon, your lying to me isn’t half as upsetting as the credit you’re giving my intelligence.

Dominic Durden died in a motorcycle crash when a car didn’t yield when crossing traffic. It’s the most commonly fatal motorcycle accident. It’s terrible it happened, but it certainly isn’t indicative of an immigration problem.

*who is actually his husband, because we all know that Michele is really a man...

No surprise he didn’t pick Newt. It would be redundant.

But at least he had the decency to DIVORCE his existing wife, and marry the side piece! That has to count for something....right?

Her 10 year old can supposedly speak Slovenian. It might be the only way he can fully communicate with his mother.

I’ve heard her speak in the past, in less rehearsed circumstances, and her English is poor, especially for someone who has been in the US for 20 years and dating/married to an American for 18 years. My husband is from Eastern Europe. He immigrated to the US at age 23, not speaking a word of English and now, ten years

Odd, though, that scant attention is being given to Tiffany Trump right now...

Even the late Fred Phelps had one of those kids. Just goes to show how evil der Türnip is.

You mean, consequences besides the fact that his only viable primary campaign was dead in the water once his plagiarism first came out?

Many commenters still had snack time when Biden’s plagarism was discovered (if they were born at all). I’m older, and I was surprised McCain/Palin didn’t bring it up during the 2008. I guess they had bigger problems to deal with.

Not to mention that Obama and Patrick used the same speechwriter, sort of making it more a case of laziness on the writer’s part than plagiarism.

“Obama is the blackest worst president ever.”

BINGO! I don’t think she’s up to ripping off a speech. I also don’t think for a minute that Trump would allow her to write her own, even with speech writers working with her. He’s too much of a control freak. This has all the smell of a stunt her rat bastard husband would pull. English isn’t her first language but

No one should use phrases from another person’s speech without permission. Obama and Biden were roundly criticized with varying degrees of justification. Pointing out plagiarism in Melania’s speech now is not hypocrisy. Or are you suggesting that, since other political speechmakers have broken the ice, we should give

Dude needs to learn how to properly backpedal.

This morning, I was listening to a radio program where they were discussing the plagiarism stuff. A man called in and said, “Look, she’s hot and if he wins, we get to look at her for the next four years, so this is not a big deal to me.”


Plagiarism is bad enough, but she (or her speechwriters) stole the words specifically of a woman whose family her husband has spoken of with racist vitriol for years.