At least as far as Sugiyama goes, this seems to be a pretty solid case of, “All your favorites are problematic.”
If dude legitimately holds the same views espoused by Sugita, then he’s at a minimum advocating for the kind of dehumanization of others that LGBTQ persons (and, really, anyone who has historically been part…
He says he doesn’t use the word as a homophobic slur, then puts everyone on blast for only accepting the definition of words they’ve decide on.
So, not only is he an asshole, he’s a hypocritical asshole to boot!
“I use the word ‘faggot’ to call people ‘retards,’”
Instead of a Pro controller I bought an 8bitdo USB wireless adapter and connected a DualShock 4. Excellent D-pad and no awkward diagonally aligned analog sticks. Way cheaper (since I already had a DS4) I’m very happy!
I mean, he technically played the game as it should be played so I cant blame him for it.
It makes me so happy that people still remember this... Long live UO!
This is what aggravates me as well. I mean, the lack of cross-platform play on PlayStation is one thing. It’s kind of a dick move on Sony’s part considering the rest of the industry has embraced it, but whatever. If they want to operate their own little closed ecosystem, that’s their business.
YES, that’s why this is one step beyond simply denying cross play which is their prerogative, if i’m playing on PS4 then i’m only playing with other PS4 players (and PC/Mobile), if i play anywhere else I could be playing with anyone. In the end it’s not a PS account we’re talking about here, It’s an Epic Account, a…
You can sign in and transfer your progress without problems between Xbox, iOS, PC and Switch. Just tested that.
I’m kind of pissed about this. I linked it to PSN in the event I wanted to play on ps4, even though I have many hours on PC and never really used it on my PS.. Now I can’t use anything I earned because Sony are a bunch of fuckwads. So I’ll be not spending a single dollar through the PSN version of fortnite.
That’s a Playstation problem not Nintendo or Fortnite. Sony wants to be isolated dicks and not get involved with crossplatform other than PC, that is their mistake. I have a lot of issues on PC trying to join a PS4 buddy, but if I try to join friends on Xbox, no sweat.
I appreciate the fact that I don’t have to spend a penny and I’ll still have the same chances of getting a cool skin as the guy with enough money to buy a hundred loot boxes. For once, the richest gamer on the block doesn’t just stroll into the game with everything unlocked right out of the gate.
Overwatch has both options. Everything is for sale although some items can only be bought during their annual reoccurring events (although the second year anniversary event currently going on has unlocked everything for sale) .
It’s perfectly fine, as long as you go into it with proper expectations; the problem is, most people don’t. They fund something with the expectation that it’s essentially an alternate take on a pre-order.
It doesn’t say they’re not putting generations old games on the Switch. It just says they don’t have any plans for Virtual Console™. It’s super important to remember that Virtual Console was just the branding and advertising that encompassed that particular approach Nintendo used at the time for releasing games. It’s…
This has to be one of the most polite invasions of privacy ever.
The current cultural climate is extreme weather. You can’t make jokes without the PC police coming out on either end. It is going to come to a point where climate changes and instead of conservative censors like the past you’ll have comics, musicians, artists etc having to fight the liberal man.
Yeah, but it’s one of scale. In the NFL there are roughly 1600 players. (53*32) In OWL, there are 120-130. We would expect there to be 15 times the number of NFL scandals as OWL scandals. MLB is 1200 players, so you would expect about 10 times the number of scandals. I personally don’t think that’s what we’re seeing.
word of advice - the side quests are fun but you can burn out on them like i did (I am a compulsive “all side quests first” player). You should avoid this because the campaign stories ARE SO SO GOOD OH MY GOD. So long as you’re somewhat appropriately leveled, xp doesn’t matter much. Also the gear, while cool for…