
“The reports related to Mark purchasing a yacht are completely inaccurate as he did not purchase a yacht.”

It’s not that we’re not willing to support it, it’s that we have a limit of what’s acceptable to us as users.

Comment section is exactly what I was expecting. People got adblock for a reason. That reason hasn’t gone anywhere. Fix the problem, and maybe people will reconsider. Instead, it gets worse like the current fad of autoplay videos.

Note to self:

uBlock Origin shows 26 items blocked on this page alone, right now, as I type this.

Yeah, hating giant autoplay videos all over the gawker network is totally entitled.

I would consider auto play videos, and popups that make you wait 5 seconds before a page load are good examples of obnoxious.

My unscientific method shows Gizmodo takes about 5 seconds to load with my adblocker off. With it on it is around a second.

How do I blocked unwanted, invasive, resource and data hogging auto play videos that have nothing to do with the content sought by the consumer?

if you guys ever adjust your ads to be less batshit crazy obnoxious, please write an article alerting us. until then you will remain adblocked.

“A beverage can dream, can it not?”

Yes, but what did they do with the drunken sailor, ear-lye in the morning?

“rendered incapacitated by accidental rum exposure”

when I moved back to the states I was about 2lbs over the limit.

Of course, they aren’t building an SUV. They are designing a Lifted HyperEnhanced Performance Electric Hybrid Utility Experience Vehicle by MSO (TM). LHEPEHUEV. Yeah. Totally not an SUV...

This is quite possibly the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever done.

Well done Nintendo. Did not expect this AT ALL.

Because Facebook numbers are dropping like flies and it’s only popular in one or two countries now?

I mean, you were working for 25 bucks a year before this change anyway.

Watched every practice this team had over the spring. One of the best players to watch, and definitely the most fun to talk to, was Tyler. This sucks. This is really fucking terrible.