
The wife was the most refreshing character for me. The others were some form of cliches, the smooth talker with big dreams and possible daddy issues, the tough girl trying to make it in a man's world, the failed inventor going through the motions. But the wife, who would have been typically a lot more naggy and

I imagine someone growing up in the '80s decided to mix their two biggest crushes, Watts and Angelina Jolie's character from Hackers and create Cameron.

Right, that was my take on it, I didn't even realize there was an incestuous interpretation. Man, just rewatched the seance, yeesh, Eva Green.

About Turn Season 1, Episode 7: Mercy Moment Murder Measure

Yeah, I thought it was obvious that she was trying to play on his charm to send a message through.

I'd actually rather have gotten some closure on the Dallas/George thing over Tessa/Ryan. I wasn't really sure why Dallas and George ever really broke up, while Tessa and Ryan seemed more a bittersweet but realistic moving on.

Ah, shippers. I don't mind it, but I'd like for some unorthodox or unexpected pairings. I was actually rather pleasantly surprised by them going for May/Ward even though I kept on fearing they'd introduce Skye to the mix.

Ah, a pity about no more recaps. Still, understandable, when I look at the number of comments here and compare to some of the more popular shows (though I'm sure a good chunk of the 1k+ that AoS gets are just Agent Phew Unredeemed nicknames).

Yeah, as apprehensive as I was of the May/Ward/Skye love triangle stuff, I liked how it was resolved, but I'm not sure why Fitz and Simmons needed to be a thing. Their partnership was already adorable and it would have been lovely to see that box scene with just their incredibly strong friendship, instead of the

No, just that he had an exceptionally kind and trusting heart. Even if Ward had somehow turned when Fitz appealed to him that last time, he'd already done so much evil before, but Fitz was the one guy who thought there was some good in him.

Marvel could actually do some good business from me if they went into the tourism poster business and sold nice skyline shots and cityscapes with "WARD IS HYDRA" scrawled on them. And maybe some Tahiti posters too. I was tired of the "it's a magical place" line pretty early on, but I think the show's managed to do

Yeah, that took what was already a pretty good episode for me into something great.

I'm assuming they wanted that larger film audience who watched Coulson die to be invested enough to watch the TV show where he was resurrected.

I liked it, as a whole. Lots of humor, action, Mike was finally saved. Also, Agent IThoughtYouWereGoingToContinueToBeConflictedButEndedUpKindaRapey got his showdown with Skye, who turned him down without any angst, and a fight with May, who crushed him. Nice to see May and Skye working together as agents, too, and

Agent Wait…May.

It was an especially poor finale considering they'd revealed so little during the rest of the season and this was supposed to give us some answers. But no, it was an objectively poor hour of television, and honestly, once they killed off Meera, I mostly stopped paying attention.

It might come to that. Garrett becomes superpowered in the last ep, is killed, Ward takes over as main bad guy and wants to kill them all, including Skye, who perhaps has manifested whatever inner monster she has to help defeat Garrett.

Yes, that was spot on. And not just that they were part of this huge thing, but how, with their huge intellects and need to help. And it wasn't that being a secretary or mother or librarian was worse, but it wasn't all. From all the comments I'm seeing, and the treatment of May, Simmons, and Skye (secretly still

I don't understand why anyone, including me, is watching Resurrection. I keep on waiting for it to do something good/interesting/fun but so far it's following the usual "everyone freaks out, old white men and/or religious people take advantage, army storms in" theme. But I can't stop!

I really was hoping they wouldn't go there with Abraham and Anna. Like the reviewer said, it takes away any depth and wistfulness in their relationship and now just makes it kind of sordid.
Are they setting up Abigail to be Agent 355? They've made it a point to show she can read and write and now she's off to NY and