
I really thought that was supposed to be the takeaway, but now I'm second-guessing myself. I thought it was supposed to be:
- Garrett tells Ward to kill Buddy/FitzSimmons
- Ward hesitates, Garrett taunts him about being weak
- Ward accepts and goes off to kill the puppies
- There's a moment of doubt when it looks like

I'm way more interested in Raina's story than Ward's, but probably only room for one villain sob story.

Fair enough. Speaking of boyfriends, Fitz sure is obsessed with him. I like how Skye and Simmons (who has even more reason to believe the best of him) are all, yeah, no, he murdered like, twenty people we know and Fitz is all, brainwashing? Chip? Let's just kill his boss? No?

I liked the parallel of Ward dumping FitzSimmons into the ocean from the plane with him earlier jumping from the plane instead of Fitz to save Simmons. I figure they'll still be alive and he knew they would be, but that's not enough to really redeem him for me; he had no idea when he led them into the plane what

I wouldn't mind if they made her Anna Strong for the show. I also wouldn't mind an always shadowy figure, face never seen.