Next thing you know these hussies will be showing their ankles!
Next thing you know these hussies will be showing their ankles!
Her arms were bare well past the elbows and there is a moment where you can catch a glimpse of armpit.
“Excuse me, my gun is up here."
are not
nuh uh...
‘We never shot no one yet, AND GOD DON’T MAKE NO TRASH!, WOO!’
Subject/verb agreement is dead in huge swaths of our nation.
I can’t imagine there’s a school or internet access on that ranch from hell.
I’m happy this show is going away.
io9 bringing people together even in death :D
This is what we get for supporting the right to arm bears.
Hold on did we just agree with each other for once?
I don’t think so but I could be wrong.
I don’t know. As long as Charlie stays in charge things’ll stay fine.
Aww man, this post got shared to io9/gizmodo. Brace yourself friend.
Why did they have to merge right before Star Wars? I didn't need these dudebros bringing down my feminist heroine high
I want us all to be friends, but it seems like lots of the Gizmodo peeps are gonna fight me on that...
Oh man, cue the outrage from fanboys who mobbed me the other day when I was trying to explain why the rape scenes in GoT were objectionable to many (including me).